
Showing posts from August, 2019

We LOVE breakfast

We have a strict rule in our house: Cereal for breakfast only 1 time per week. Now don't get me wrong, I think cereal is great. We don't do too much sugar-y cereals already but even the kinds of cereal we do eat, it's only 1 time per week for breakfast. Before you think I'm some mean mom who doesn't let my kids eat breakfast let me explain why. HUNGER! Every time my kids have just cereal for breakfast, they are starving before an hour is up. They can have multiple bowls of cereal before they walk out the door or head off to their activities and they are still hungry. I hate it. I feel so bad when my kids are hungry or rather HANGRY-  han·gry /ˈhaNGɡrē/ Learn to pronounce adjective INFORMAL bad-tempered or irritable as a result of hunger.  To combat the hangry badgers that my children become shortly after eating cereal, we implemented the no cereal except 1 time per week rule. I let the kids pick which day they want cereal but gen

We love SUSHI

I love sushi. Maybe it's not necessarily "real sushi" but more or less I love the American version of sushi which includes cream cheese and eel sauce. Talk about probably the most unhealthy kind! HA. With recently quitting my job, trying to stick to better budgets and wanting to keep the kids busy- we had a fun sushi night at our home!  We had leftover Quinoa from another meal the same week and my kids love quinoa. If you haven't ever eaten it, try it before you knock it. It is so yummy and I can make it a lot easier/faster than traditional white or brown rice. If you don't know how to cook it, it's super easy! It is a 2:1 ratio. I usually use plain water (2 cups) and 1 cup of uncooked quinoa. I know some folks make theirs with a broth but we don't. Throw the water and the quinoa together on the stove. Cook until it boils, reduce the heat to a simmer and cover for about 15 minutes or until the liquid is absorbed. Fluff it with a fork and that's it!