
Showing posts from April, 2020

We love being active, but would like to do it safely.

Photo by  Alesia Kazantceva  on  Unsplash Hey all! Sorry I have been MIA lately... School has been a little busy plus the sudden onset of having all three little loves at home full-time (more on that fun in a future blog post), writing here has taken a backseat. :( I haven't quit any writing, in fact just the opposite! I have been super busy with writing for my college classes which includes in my creative writing English class. It has been a lot of fun actually and has really made me dive deeper into some topics that I normally wouldn't have. So, I thought I'd post one of my submitted papers here in the blog (to give it some action) and to post some of my research on this (in my opinion) important topic: why Moapa Valley needs an actual walking path throughout the town. Now, before you get super uptight and upset, yes I did NOT go into financial costs of this type of endeavor. I merely looked at safety and the statistics along with it. I actually got a B on