
Showing posts from February, 2020

I love my Business & Industry License

"At the start of 2019, 7 million U.S. jobs remained unfilled, and American employers consistently cite trouble finding qualified workers. While some liberals insist a "skills gap" doesn't exist, all evidence points to the contrary. These gaps are moreover made worse by a higher education system that ill-equips graduates for the workforce" (Craig, 2019). So what? What does that mean? That means that we as: parents, teachers, volunteers, etc. Need to work together to prepare our future employees. There. I said. It. So is this me saying that we all need to go back to college to spend 4 (or 12 in my case) years to become teachers in CTE (Career & Technical Education)? Guess what? NOPE! No. Nada. Negative. Nix and Nay! What?!? Yes, that is correct. Don't believe me? Let me tell you about a secret that until recently, was not even known. Or at least I sure as heck didn't know about it. Well, I can't say I didn't know about it, I just didn&#