
Showing posts from January, 2020

I loved doing a Boudoir photo shoot- and you will too...

Okay let me first get this out in the open. I am not a prude BUT I am not one that is going to show you my lady bits anytime soon.  With that being out in the open. Let's move forward.  This past year, I turned the Dirty Thirty. It was a great evening with wonderful friends and family. I am so blessed with the best people in my life. Unfortunately, I wasn't comfortable in my own skin. Everyone kept telling me that "Your 30's are great!" But I wasn't seeing that. I had just had my littlest love the year before and I still haven't lost the extra weight from the middle little love's joining our family. I should still "love" this time of my life right? Well, I wasn't feeling very loving to myself. I  love each of my children and am so thankful for what my body has done for me, but I haven't loved my body for about 6 years or so. I had worked so incredibly hard before I got my married to my better half but insert marital bliss hap

We love our county fair- 10 Things All Show Moms Need During Fair Week

Yesterday, an ad was posted on Facebook alerting the 2020 dates for our local county fair. Yup, for the rest of the livestock free world those dates are now released for a fun (and exciting for this small town) event. For 4-H and FFA families, it's a wonderful exciting stressful week full of sweat, blood, and tears. Or maybe that's just my family. Since the dates have been released to the public, it cements that our county fair is right around the corner. Even though I did see the Facebook Post while I was scrolling through while I was watching my oldest little love wash/blow his show calves, it's official "official." I decided I'd sit down at 4:00 the next morning and write down the top 10 things to bring as the official show mom for my son this year instead of the 4-H agent/chicken with it's head cut off. At least the first part of that label is no longer, the head cut off chicken, probably still will be the same. So with that, while my brain isn'

We love our Meat Birds

WARNING- GRAPHIC POST!!!  This year we chose to raise meat birds again. This is our fourth time raising our own chickens that are bred for specific meat purposes. The purpose of these birds is for meat, not eggs like many of our other feathery friends, or my middle little love's "best fwiends" as he calls them. (Insert gagging from me). Anyway, if you haven't ever had the pleasure to witness these meaty little suckers. Let me introduce you to them and the process. This year we ordered ours from Stromberg Hatchery, this was the only website I could find that had reasonable prices and that shipped/delivered during the time of year that we wanted to fill our freezers. Unfortunately, this website did not give exact dates (until it got closer) when the chicks would be delivered. So it was an order and wait sort of thing. Patience is not my thing. They emailed soon after to alert me that the 50 chicks would be shipped on my Big Love's Birthday. Happy Birthday Sweetie