
Showing posts from June, 2020

We LOVE beef.

"Beef. It's what's for dinner."  "Eat beef. The west wasn't won on salad." "Where's the Beef?"  These are a few of our favorite age-old beef slogans in our home. Yes, they are used way too often but we love them. Just like we love our beef. I could create a long blog post all about the quarantine musings we have been doing to keep our busy little family from going insane, but I think I will focus on something that has been a backbone to our family for a long time. This quarantine has brought a new opportunity for our family to try something that we haven't ever done before. So sit down, grab some yummy popcorn and start reading about our recent beef journey. We love beef, You do too! Go figure! My big love is a cowboy. Okay, he is probably grimacing over that word. Or at least I am. It just bothers me. I don't know why but it drives me crazy. Rancher? Farmer? I don't know which "label" I like but that'